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ReSound Assist

More connections
for better care

  • Live assistance for face-to-face video appointments
  • Remote fine-tuning for sending adjustments anytime
  • Real-time feedback from patients

Ready to get started with ReSound Assist?

Support your patients every step of the way

According to hearing care professionals surveyed, more than a quarter of patient appointments are spent on fine-tuning adjustments*. With ReSound Assist, you have the option to offer fine-tuning services from the comfort of your patient’s home through remote fine-tuning or live assistance. 

*GN Insights: Analysis of anonymized appointments (2016)

Live Assistance

Face-to-face video appointments

It can be difficult for some patients to get to the clinic for a follow-up appointment. ReSound Assist Live Assistance makes it possible to supplement clinic visits with online, face-to-face fitting appointments.

Connect with a video call to remotely fine-tune your patients’ hearing aids directly from your ReSound Smart Fit™ fitting software.

Now you can even perform remote in-ear hearing assessments using in-situ audiometry and ReSound Assist Live.

ReSound Assist Live Assistance in the office
Video cover image
ReSound Assist Live Assistance how it works

Live Assistance

Here's how it works

Live Assistance is one more way you can offer more flexible, personalized care to your patients by allowing them to remain in the comfort of their own home for real-time, video appointments.

  1. You initiate the Live Assistance call through your ReSound Smart Fit fitting software.
  2. Your patient simply answers the video call received through the ReSound Smart 3D app.
  3. You connect to the patient's hearing aids and provide live adjustments, if needed.
  4. The patient can evaluate the new settings with you live during the appointment as well as afterwards through the Rate My Sound feature in the ReSound Smart 3D app.
The next level of hearing care

Send remote fine-tuning adjustments anytime

Whether they are at home, at work or at a restaurant with friends, you can offer your patients the option to receive remote-fine tuning adjustments right to their ReSound Smart 3D app. 

You can even use this service in the clinic together with your patients as another option for regular fine-tunings. 

Remote fine-tuning

Here's how it works

The initial fit will always take place in your clinic, but you can decide to activate ReSound Assist for the patients who will benefit the most. By offering remote fine-tuning from your ReSound Smart FitTM software, you can provide support at the most convenient time for you – and your patients can receive it from the comfort and convenience of their own home.

  1. Patients requests assistance via the ReSound Smart 3D app.
  2. You receive the request via the ReSound Smart Fit software.
  3. You send updated settings and/or messages.
  4. Patients receives updated settings or messages, and downloads the settings wirelessly to hearing aids.
  5. Patient sends a rating of his/her new settings.


ReSound fine-tuning

Real-time feedback from patients

ReSound Assist remote fine-tuning requests enable your patients to identify the issue they are experiencing when difficulty occurs in a particular environment.

With every remote fine-tuning request, you get:

  • Detailed diagnostic questionnaire
  • Optional message with additional information
  • Automatic record of your patients' hearing aid settings
  • Rate My Sound feature to see patient satisfaction rating of fine-tuning

Register on GN Online Services to get started

In order to offer ReSound Assist services to patients, you need to register your business with GN Online Services. 

On this site, you can: 

  • Manage user access for other hearing care professionals in your practice
  • Manage the locations of your business
  • Customize your automatic response to remote fine-tuning requests

Reminder: You will need your ReSound Account ID to register on GN Online Services.

Download the GN Online Services guide



ReSound Assist convenience and satisfaction

We surveyed hearing care professionals and users who have tried ReSound Assist remote fine-tuning for their opinions about this approach to patient care*.

What do hearing care professionals think about ReSound Assist 

What are ReSound Assist users saying


believe that ReSound Assist allows them to deliver a better hearing experience.


believe ReSound Assist enables them to deliver the best fit within a shorter time frame.


agree that it was easy to request assistance from their hearing care professional from the app.


said that they would recommend this service to others.

*External interviews with 31 Hearing Care Practitioners in 11 countries who have used ReSound Assist 10 or more times.

See the complete survey results