Learn all you need to know about ReSound ONE
Natural sound.
Unique benefits.
ReSound ONE™ with M&RIE (Microphone & Receiver-In-Ear) is our revolutionary* new class of hearing aids. People who have tried it love it.
ReSound ONE™ with M&RIE (Microphone & Receiver-In-Ear) is our revolutionary* new class of hearing aids. People who have tried it love it.
*Microphone in the ear and two standard directional microphones, directionality features, wireless audio streaming.
1With mild hearing loss compared to pinna restoration and omnidirectional. Groth 2020. 2With mild hearing loss compared to standard RIE with pinna restoration. Jespersen et al 2020. 3Compared to omnidirectional at wind speed of 5 m/s. Groth 2020.